Be Safe & Healthy During Lockdown
The Public Health Office has extended pandemic restrictions through May 25 to help stem the spread of COVID-19. We all need to do our part to protect ourselves and each other. We can get through this together.
We have traditions and practices that ground us in the present and keep us well – spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. Our holistic practices can help ease feelings of personal, collective, and inter-generational stress during the pandemic. Taking care of our wellness will calm us while we fulfill critical roles within our families and communities. We have many cultural strengths to draw upon to stay connected and keep well, even while we practice social distancing.
Here are a few ideas:
Support those around you – Call an Elder or a young person every day to check in. Send an email or text to a loved one. Make a video call so people know you are thinking of them.
Get out on the land and reconnect with nature – Harvest traditional medicines and foods. Take a walk. Get out on the water. If you’re in the community, check out our new 2 km trail to the river.
Seek wisdom from knowledge keepers and traditional healers – Learn about traditional healing practices and medicines. Many of our medicines strengthen and cleanse our bodies and minds.
Share your knowledge with others – Use social media or send us your knowledge to reprint in our newsletter.
Embrace this time to spend with your children – In traditional education and child-rearing practice, we taught our children daily about our history, culture, language, and life skills. We learned as families.
Model self-awareness and mindfulness – Scan your body and name where you are carrying your feelings. Then set unhelpful feelings down into the land. Prioritize your wellness and focus your energy by using prayer, meditation, daily affirmations and mantras such as ‘I am resilient’.